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  Merge the web.config
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You need to locate the changes made to the Sitecore web.config file and make corresponding changes to the new web.config file.

For instance, site specific <connections> strings must be changed.

Edit the web.config file in a text editor and locate the following section:


Firebird Database:

Firebird connection strings have the form:  

  <archive>Database=/data/scArchive.fdb;User=SYSDBA; Password=masterkey; ... </archive> 
  <core>Database=/data/scCore.fdb;User=SYSDBA; Password=masterkey; ... </core> 


You need to change the User and Password values manually.

SQL Database:  

<connections serverName="your_srv_name" user="user_name" password="yourpass" prefix="your_prefix">  

The prefix attribute refers to the prefix given to the database names in Microsoft SQL Server. The Sitecore 5.1 web.config file provides an attribute for this value so that you can change the prefix for all databases in one place.

There may be many other places where the Sitecore web.config file has changed.  Please refer to the Sitecore Configuration Guide for more information.

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